Impact of frost on your laurel


The laurel is a sturdy, strong plant. With good care, it can take its place in your garden for years or even decades. It is evergreen, but not winter-hardy. During these cold months, it is therefore important to ensure that he does not start to suffer much.

Below we discuss the impact of mild frost and hard frost on maintaining your laurel and some measures you can take to protect this beautiful plant.

Soft frost

Soft frost involves temperatures that are still above -5°C. In these circumstances, damage to your laurel is very limited. However, it is best to systematically monitor the soil around your laurel and ensure that it does not dry out. If necessary, water on days when there is no frost but the soil is still dry to the touch.

Severe frost

During severe frost, laurel plants become more vulnerable. It is essential to take precautions to protect the plant from these extreme weather conditions. A simple method to limit frost damage is to apply a thick layer of mulch around the base of the laurel. Mulch, such as leaves or straw, provides insulation and helps protect the roots from freezing.

Covering of laurel plant

Covering is another effective way to protect your laurel from severe frost. For example, use a special fleece cloth or old blankets to wrap the plant. Make sure that the cover covers the entire plant well, but also ensure that the top of the plant is not put under too much strain. This allows the laurel to receive sufficient light and air and remains protected from severe frost.

Choose temporary shelter

At very low temperatures or a longer period of severe frost, it is better to move the laurel to a covered place indoors (e.g. a garage or orangery). This minimizes the risk of frost damage to the roots and branches of the plant.

What after the frost period?

Keep a close eye on the plant and hydrate it sufficiently. When the frost period ends, check the entire laurel for any damage. Frozen leaves may appear yellow or brown and begin to fall off. If you notice such damage, carefully prune away damaged branches to preserve healthy wood, stimulate growth and allow the laurel to recover.

Back outside in the spring

As soon as winter is over and spring arrives, it is good to place the plant back outside as soon as possible. Do not postpone this task and certainly do not leave the laurel indoors for too long. With the right measures and attention, you can guide your laurel safely through the coldest months and ensure that this strong plant will continue to occupy its place in your garden for many years to come.

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